Apply for Services
AHAS Home Veterinary Services provides basic veterinary care to people living with a very low income in Edmonton.
Low Income Cut-Off for 2025 (until June 2025) is:
- One person in household $29,380
- Two family members in household $36,576
- Three family members in household $44,966
- Four family members in household $54,594
To qualify, you will need to submit a 2023 Notice of Assessment for every adult family member living in your household. In June, you will have to submit your 2024 Notice of Assessment.
If you are on a government assistance program such as AISH, Social Assistance, Income Support, Alberta Works. etc., we will also require a photo of your most recent deposit notice.
Please complete the form here: Request Our Services Form
Please note that we are quite busy right now and it may take several weeks to get back to you.
Please do NOT email, call, message us to see if we have received your form because it slows our volunteers down.
We also cannot handle emergencies except under very limited circumstances.
We also do not have the resources to spay/neuter healthy, young dogs. Please apply to PALS: PALS